Analysis Training 4

The second in a series of four, available to buy or rent by clicking here.
Analysis training is an improvement technique that was first described by Alexander Kotov in his book ‘Think Like a Grandmaster’. Since then there have been suggested improvements on Kotov’s so-called ‘tree of analysis’, which proposed a mechanistic consideration of candidate moves and a tree of variations branching out.
In this video there are 40 positions to be analysed, which can be done with either the Kotov method or one of the improvements. Yet Nigel suggests that the real benefit of this training method is to make players aware of how they think and, with this new found awareness, gradually move towards a more efficient method. After each position he gives his own way of examining the positions which is quite different from the Kotov model and shows that there are different forms of thinking algorithm that may suit players with different playing styles and personalities.
Pgn (portable game notation) files of the games are included.