In the book ‘ZOOM 001: Zero Hour to Operative Opening Models’ by Stefan Zeuthen and Bent Larsen showed a way of learning openings and middle game plans based on familiarity with the pawn structure. The ZOOM Scandinavian is a line of the Scandinavian Defence that reaches a ZOOM pawn structure (Catalan and Gruenfeld type) via the moves 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 Qxd5 3.Nc3 Qd6 4.d4 Nf6 5.Nf3 g6.
This line has been played by some very strong players including Vladimir Kramnik, Fabiano Caruana, Sergei Tiviakov, Vladimir Epishin, Aleksandr Rakhmanov, Alexander Motylev, Rauf Mamedov, Boris Chatalbashev, Bojan Kurajica and other GMs. They evidently appreciate its fighting qualities and the fact that there is not that much theory.
In this video series Nigel examines the 5…g6 main line through games and a theory section, then going on to cover 3.d4, 3.Nf3 and White’s 2nd move alternatives. It represents a complete and easy to learn defence against 1.e4, that allows Black to play for the full point.
The pgn files are included.